Nelson Boren

Nelson Boren (b. 1952) earned an architecture degree from Arizona State University before operating a successful design firm for 15 years. Yet the lure of fine art ultimately proved irresistible, and in 1980 Nelson made the pivotal decision to leave architecture behind and dedicate himself fully to painting. This shift marked the genesis of his distinctive visual style, which fuses architectural precision with bold, graphic imagery.

Inspired by his lifelong fascination with both art and mathematics, Nelson developed a signature approach celebrated for its incredible detail and conceptual dynamism. Today, Nelson’s work can be found in prestigious collections across the United States, including the Whitney Museum of Western Art and the corporate holdings of the Coca-Cola Company and the Dallas Cowboys. His unique marriage of technical mastery and imaginative vision have solidified his status as one of our most acclaimed contemporary Western artists.

Sorry, no artwork by Nelson Boren is available for sale at this time.